Available now! Pencil Magazine is a themed print publication featuring work created entirely with graphite pencil and paper. Artists and writers are invited to respond to each publication theme through visual art, writing, or a combination of the two. The mission of Pencil Magazine is to create an opportunity for artists and writers to connect or reconnect with an unsung, basic tool for creative expression — the pencil — and to inspire our readers to make time and space for analog experiences. Research is unambiguous that our reliance on internet-enabled digital tools to communicate and consume media is negatively affecting our attention spans, ability to focus, and mental health. Pencil Magazine is an opportunity for creators and readers to reclaim their focus and connect with their creativity through analog means — by using pencil and paper.

Pencil Magazine is a project of Sasha Wizansky and based in southern Maine. Sasha co-founded Meatpaper, a print journal of art and ideas about meat culture, and was editor and art director throughout its 21-issue run. An artist and designer, she specializes in book design and helping writers and artists to create and publish their books.

Support for Pencil Magazine is provided by The Kindling Fund, a grant program administered by SPACE as part of the Andy Warhol Foundation For The Visual Arts Regional Regranting Program. 
All content on this site © 2024 Pencil Magazine and its contributors